Saturday, December 29, 2012

Here we go!

Welcome to the Photography of Jason McLemore.  I'm not a professional photographer by any means.  I consider myself a serious hobbyist working hard to advance this to wherever it can take me.  Photography has always been something I've done for fun.  I've never had any fancy equipment.  I learned on my mom's old Canon T50 35mm camera that I still have.  I'm not going to say the cliche', "photography has always been my passion" line.  Just being honest; because it hasn't.  My interest perked in the last 2 years.  I've spent this year trying my best to know my gear. Not just what it does but WHY it does what it does.  I'm looking forward to what 2013 has in store for me.  I'm currently lining up projects with some select people.  As I finish those photo shoots, I will feature highlights here and update on how things are progressing.

The first image I will feature is one of my beautiful wife, Megan.  We've been married almost 6 years and have been together for almost 8.  She is the most loving and patient wife any McLemore guy could ask for.  And best of all, she is an amazing mother to our two wonderful boys. She is also a great vocalist.  I'm quite critical of music/musicians/vocalist and that opinion of her singing ability isn't biased at all.  Well, maybe a little!  I finally convinced her to let me photograph her and I must say she was awesome and extremely patient! I love this woman!

She willingly stood in the line of fire!

For my second image, it is that of Buck Buchanan.  He is the creative/visual arts guru / worship leading / band rehearsal leading / do a bunch of everything guy at my church.  I have the awesome honor of serving with him on a weekly basis as the drummer in our worship band.  In our transition time without a worship pastor, Buck has helped lead our music ministry alongside another great guy who I hope to feature in photos later.

"So you want me to just start playing?"

Thanks for checking out the blog! I'm looking forward to what 2013 has in store!!!

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